10 responses to “February 2007 Art Exhibition

  1. It’s really great to read about your process and thoughts as you work…please continue. I just picked up a copy of American Art Collector which featured your some of your work and I found your site. I think your work is excellent….-Ricardo Henriquez

  2. You have a great Talent, your paintings are amazing!Mr.Hein, upadte plz, the Mob’s piece posts they are very informative about your process=)

  3. Awesome, I did not know that you had a blog! Great work on here. Its a bummer that there isn’t many updates though. But I visit your regular site quite a bit for some regular inspiration. Cheers!!!-francis

  4. I love your work and have just discovered your blog. Only to notice you don’t post anymore. Are you planning on coming back to it? By the way I painted a little model that reminded me of your work.

  5. Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it’s been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is

  6. I wish I would have known about this I would have come! I still would like to see your art.You are so talented you should be so proud of yourself! I am in awe of the few things I have seen. I would love to have you paint my kids some day :)I am glad I bumped into your blog- maybe now I can keep in contact with you and your sweet little family more! I know my sisters will be looking in now too! Loves:)

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